中文站/ ENGLISH| WEBSITE MAP| ADD TO FAVOURITE Welcome to Anhui Wannan Electric Machine Co., Ltd

#广交会 #smartexpo #中国进出口商品交易会 #cartonfair 

welcome to our exhibition room, check our information

Name: Industrial Equipment & Energy

Meeting time: 2020-10-15 to 2020-10-24 (00:00-23:59)

Meeting Number: 998540681

(Download Made-in-China.com App to enter the meeting room by this meeting number.)

Click the following URL to enter the meeting room directly:


WN Motor, Industrial Solutions.



 Wannan Motor Runs From 1958

Address ADD: No.86 Nan'hua Road, Jing County, Anhui Province, China

Telephone TEL:+86-13866146423

EMAIL EMAIL: glenxia@wannanmotor.net

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Contact Wannan Motor

ADD: No.86 Nanhua Road, Jing County, Anhui Province, China

TEL: +86-13866146423

TEL: 400-111-0563

FAX: 0563-5029999

EMAIL: glenxia@wannanmotor.net