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In the golden laurel fragrance season and to welcome the National Day, Anhui Wannan motor held a staff tug of war competition in the afternoon of September 28,2022. 16 teams from all plants took part in the tug-of-war.

During the tug-of-war, the participating players strived tenaciously and the laughter and shouting of the watching employees resounded all over the square. After 18 rounds of intense and fierce duel, the team of assembly workshop of Tong Hua plant won the first prize, the team of Energizer and the team of Golden Two Workshop won the second prize, and the team of assembly workshop, rotor workshop and the team of coil workshop of Electric plant won the third prize.

The competition has stimulated the staff's vitality, brought out the level and passion of the competition, and also brought out the team spirit of Wannan Motor, which motivates all the staff to do their future work with more fullness and unity.

WNM Motor, Industrial Solutions.

WN Motor, Industrial Solutions.



 Wannan Motor Runs From 1958

Address ADD: No.86 Nan'hua Road, Jing County, Anhui Province, China

Telephone TEL:+86-13866146423

EMAIL EMAIL: glenxia@wannanmotor.net

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ADD: No.86 Nanhua Road, Jing County, Anhui Province, China

TEL: +86-13866146423

TEL: 400-111-0563

FAX: 0563-5029999

EMAIL: glenxia@wannanmotor.net